Baseball somewhere in Asia

I have been in Asia for two and a half days and my son is keeping me very busy. Baseball is very popular in  this country and we attended a game of the local team, the LG Twins. The word “Twins” on their uniform looks a lot like Minnesota Twins logo. Baseball games here are very exciting. Every player has his own song and the fans sing it over and over again while he is batting. Both the home team and the visiting team have their own cheerleaders. The cheerleaders stand on a little stage near the cheering fans and they dance and lead the singing throughout the entire game. People are very involved and the stadium is always full of noise.

The food and tickets to the game are much cheaper here than in Minnesota. We got two really good seats for $17 each. You could get two Burger Whoppers with two orders of fries and two beverages for only $10.50 total. At the Twin’s stadium in Minnesota, you could probably only get one burger for that much money! Outside the stadium, you could buy snacks such as dried squid and other uniquely Asian food. We saw lots of people standing in long lines waiting to have their names put on the backs of shirts from their favorite team.

What is your favorite team and how do you cheer for them? Do you have a shirt with the team name and maybe the name of your favorite player?

We met some fans of the LG Twins.
We met some fans of the LG Twins.







Fans of LG Twins
Fans bang inflated bats together to cheer for their team. while they sing a song about the player at bat.
This is dried squid. It may look a bit strange, but it reminds me of beef jerky.

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Getting Ready!


suitcaseSome of the friends I am visiting in Asia asked me to bring them a few items that are difficult to find in the country where they live. In addition, I want to take a few surprises of my own for the people I am visiting. Finally, I will probably find something to bring back from every country I visit. For those reasons, I decided to buy a really large suitcase. It is 29 inches long and will hold a lot of things. I also loved that it was on a clearance sale and exactly the color I hoped to find–Minnesota Vikings’ purple! On most of my flights I am allowed to check one suitcase. On one flight it has to weigh less than 44 pounds, but some flights allow me to bring 66 pounds. That is a LOT of weight! (I bet some of you weigh less than 66 pounds.) I will also carry a back pack and a purse.

Since I will be gone for 40 days, I need to think carefully about the clothes and other items that I will take with me. To me, the worst part of traveling is packing because I want to be sure to take everything I need and I am always afraid I will forget something important. I guess the most important things are my passport, my clothes, my phone and my iPad . I need my phone and iPad to take photos and write my blog for you to see!

Here are some things for you to think about:

  • What are some things you always take with you when you go on a trip?
  • What do you miss most when you are gone?

Where was Ms. B on September 16, 2016?

ryburnwebI was so happy to be at Highland Elementary talking to all of the students about my upcoming trip! If you want to practice writing a comment, this would be a good place to practice. What did you learn from my presentation? Which of the places I showed on my slide show might be a place  you would like to visit yourself someday? Have you actually been to one of those places already? I would love to hear from  you!